Group Terms and Conditions for Hotels
1. The Contract Rates are to include all local, Federal, State and Government taxes as well as service charges and breakfast, including city tax.
2. All Contract Rates are to be valid for all markets, unless specified, and the Hotel shall not increase its Contract Rates for the duration of the relevant validity period.
3. Alteration of the agreement – The Hotel will notify G2 by phone and email at least 45 days prior of any overbooking situation where it is the hotel’s intention to move a G2 group in order to solve the hotel’s problem and the two parties will agree a solution. In addition, the hotel should alert G2 of the alteration or suspension of any Arrangements or other facilities whether temporary or otherwise. The Hotel shall use its best endeavours to reinstate any suspended Arrangements or facilities. The Hotel shall also notify G2 by phone and email at the earliest possible time of any building or renovation work that is being carried out at or near the place of accommodation, which may adversely affect a Customer staying at the Hotel, irrespective of whether the Hotel or others are carrying out the work, or whether the work is carried out on the Hotel’s property or that of a third party. Should the hotel decide to close for any reason, the responsible person(s) should advise G2 in writing and by phone at least 90 days prior to closure.
4. All payments will be made as specified in the contract. All suppliers are asked to send their invoices after groups departure via email to the following address Sending any invoices via post to our G2 Bucharest financial office will cause delays in payment.
Please raise the invoice to: G2 Travel Ltd, Suite 702, 7th Floor King’s Commercial Centre, 25 King’s Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong.
If your invoice does require posting please send to the following address:
G2 Travel
c/o JGM Support Services Srl
City Offices, 2-4A Soseaua Oltenitei, 1st Floor,
041312 Bucharest – Romania
5. Liability/ Insurance – The Hotel will at all times hold full public liability insurance cover against all third party risks. This will include liability for damages for death, personal injury, loss or damage to property of G2’s Customers and staff. If any Customer is involved in an incident at the Hotel, the Hotel must inform G2 as soon as possible, giving details of the incident. Should the incident result in further action by the Customer then the Hotel agrees to cooperate fully with G2. The Hotel agrees to indemnify G2 and its directors and employees for the full amount of any damages, expenses, losses, compensation, fines, costs (including legal costs) which G2 becomes liable for as a result of any negligent act or default of the Hotel, or its employees, sub-contractors or agents, or as a result of any breach of Agreement on the part of the Hotel. The Hotel agrees to co-operate fully with G2 in dealing with Customer claims including, for example, providing full statements and agreeing to attend court where necessary.
6. The Hotel confirms that the person signing the Agreement on the hotel’s behalf, and providing information to G2 in connection with or pursuant to Agreement is authorised to do so.
7. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Hong Kong law and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong law.
8. Unless otherwise agreed prior to travel, any extra costs which are incurred by the Customers, such as mini bar expenses, will be collected directly from the Customers. No monies other than the agreed Contract Room Rates will be invoiced to G2.
9. The Hotel warrants that all Rooms and/or any facilities, meals and other services provided pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement are safe and comply fully with all local, state, federal and/or national laws, rules and regulations including any relating to security, health and safety and fire and hygiene. The Hotel further warrants that none of the Rooms (or other parts of the Hotel) has individual gas water heaters installed. The Hotel shall provide all the Rooms in accordance with good industry practice and it shall ensure that any facilities, meals and other services are provided with due skill, care, attention and diligence, and that all personnel provided by the Hotel (whether employed by the Hotel or not) will be appropriately qualified, trained and have the necessary skills and expertise to perform its obligations under or in connection with this Agreement.
10.The Hotel guarantees that it shall comply to all federal, state and local and national laws, rules and regulations and other requirements of relevant authorities or bodies in relation to the provision of the Rooms (or any related services, particularly food and beverages) and that it possesses any other relevant licenses in order to operate as an overnight accommodation provider. Evidence of such licenses may be requested by G2 and should be provided within 10 days of request. G2 may terminate this Agreement forthwith if the Hotel fails to comply with this condition.
11. The Hotel warrants that all Arrangements and any other services and facilities provided pursuant to this Agreement are safe and comply fully with all local and national laws and regulations regarding health and safety, fire and hygiene standards. The Hotel will be required to complete the Health & Safety Accommodation Self-Inspection Checklist as a condition of this Agreement and the Hotel warrants that the information given in response to such checklist is and will remain throughout the validity of this Agreement true, complete and not misleading. Should any accident or mishap befall a Customer, the Hotel must inform G2 as soon as possible by phone and/ or email, giving details of the accident and what action has been taken to ensure the comfort of the Customer.
In the event of, and without limitation; war, mobilisation, disasters, pandemic, severe weather conditions, strikes, lock-outs, fire, official prescriptions, including order by any court or governmental body, explosions, acts of terrorism, flood, earthquake, country border closure and national emergency whether foreseeable or not, neither party shall be held at fault of any provision of this Agreement.
In case of Force Majeure article activation, entire prepaid amount of deposit or guarantee paid by G2 Travel for future business activities or guarantees, will be refunded or repaid back to G2 Travel bank account within 15 working days following the activation of Force majeure or State of Emergency.
13. COVID-19
Further to clause 8 above and notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Hotel waives any and all claims against G2 in respect of costs, expenses, losses or other liabilities incurred by Hotel in connection with a reservation or a Customer directly or indirectly related to COVID-19, including in connection with the extension of a reservation due to legal requirements imposed on Customers, and G2 shall have no liability in respect thereof.